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Serving at food courts

Salad on Plastic Plate with Fork/Napkin Set

When using crockery to serve your food at the food court is not a cost-effective solution, what do you do? The disposable plastic bowls and plates will be the perfect alternative, matched with the disposable plastic cutlery!

Plastic Cutlery


Plastic Plates

Plates & Bowls


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Winter is coming!

Black & White Microwavable Plastic Bowl Containers serving hot noodles

The cold weather is approaching and the time for hot soup and noodles is here! We have economic options to suit all menu changes and customer needs!
The plastic bowl is ideal for hot noodles, the best way to heat up during the winter. The bowls are microwave safe and can hold all sorts of winter foods!

Noodle Bowls

Plastic Containers
