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Quench your thirst this summer

Red Stripes Paper Straws

Add some character to your drinks with quirky paper straws • Forget the bad rap that paper straws have for going soggy, these are 3 ply, sturdy and strong 💪 • Available in a range of colours and patterns, including bamboo, red stripes and kraft 😍 • Our NEW Paper Straws are great for those who enjoy sipping an ice cold drink while being environmentally conscious.

Paper Straws



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Kraft Paper Noodle Box

Love the look of kraft paper packaging? We supply a number of unbleached kraft paper products, and where real kraft paper or board is not available we offer a printed kraft-look pattern for range consistency.

All inks on Bio products are soy or water-based.

All BioCups and paper board products are made from elemental chlorine free (ECF) bleached fibre. Elemental chlorine free (ECF) is a technique that uses chlorine dioxide for the bleaching of wood pulp. It does not use elemental chlorine gas during the bleaching process and prevents the formation of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds and carcinogens

Food Pails

Paperboard Containers
