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Plastic Cutlery sitting on rock

* drum roll please *

Are you searching for the best price without sacrificing quality?
The Econoware Cutlery range is the answer to your problem, with products specifically designed to be functional at the most competitive price.

We could see there was a gap in the market where people didn’t need the fanciest products available; they just wanted good quality, basic items that will do the job, at the lowest price.
Enter, the Econoware Cutlery range! A brand that is functional AND cost-saving.

The Econoware Cutlery has been designed with strength and practicality in mind, making them durable and fit for purpose.

Plastic Cutlery



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Back to Business!

Disposable White Plastic Cutlery

With restrictions now easing and dine in opening back up for business, customers and workers health & safety is now more important than ever!

How do we reduce the risk and stay safe?
Limit the spread of germs by using disposable cutlery and crockery. This interim solution will protect your customers, staff and business until we can safely say COVID-19 no longer exists in the environment. Reusing and washing crockery increases contact points where germs can spread and there’s no guarantee germs have been completely washed. The best choice is to use disposables so that every customer gets a brand new fork/knife/plate/spoon/spork, and your staff are protected from your customers’ germs too.

Plastic Cutlery


Tabletop range