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Paper Towels or Jet Air Dryers?

Paper Towels vs Jet Air Dryers

The science is clear. Paper Towels are more sanitary.

With hygiene being top of everyone’s mind, we thought you might be interested to learn that the Mayo Clinic recommend using paper towels in locations where “hygiene is paramount” including healthcare facilities. Research shows that people had 42% more bacteria on their hands after using jet air dryers, which could increase the risk of cross-contamination.

Plus, a recent study showed that 90% of people actually prefer paper towels. Paper towels offer greater flexibility, whether cleaning hands, faces or just attempting to freshen up at work.

Have a look at the comparison chart to see how jet air dryers compare to paper towels:

Hand Towel

Washroom Products

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Washroom range

Toilet Tissues & Hand Towels

Consumables to leave customers refreshed and impressed.

Or prepare for the next critical shortage in toilet tissue here in Australia. We’ve got your…bowl 🚽

Toilet Tissues

Hand Towels

Washroom Products